Services Details

NAISHA Offers Services


Long term Rental (LTR): A fully cus­tomized ser­vice for pro­fes­sion­als and cor­po­rate clients on monthly rental ba­sis against a long term agree­ment. An LTR pack­age will en­able you to be 100% has­sle free as it cov­ers all as­pects, start­ing from main­te­nance Trans­port to en­sur­ing “Free­dom through Mo­bil­ity”.

Short term Rental (STR): NAISHA of­fers you dif­fer­ent types of cars for your short term re­quire­ment. Our STR fleet has been de­signed with a vi­sion to cater dif­fer­ent re­quire­ments start­ing from Econ­omy to Premium & Luxury. You can rent our STR cars ­for use within any parts of Bangladesh.

Transport for Events: We of­fer a com­pre­hen­sive Trans­port ser­vice for Con­fer­ences, Meet­ing. Pri­vate or Cor­po­rate Re­treat Pro­grams, Pic­nics of Diplo­matic Mis­sion, UN Or­ga­ni­za­tion and any Multi­na­tional or Na­tional Or­ga­ni­za­tion. We can pro­vide such ser­vices for any­where in Bangladesh. In cer­tain cases, we also han­dle all the nec­es­sary lo­gis­ti­cal sup­port such as ar­rang­ing venue, food, se­cu­rity etc. as per client re­quire­ment. One of our very lux­u­ri­ous ve­hi­cles can also be rented out for a wed­ding cer­e­mony as part of our WED­DING PACK­AGE.

Limousine Service: Our Lim­ou­sine ser­vice has been de­signed to cater to trav­el­ers and air­line crew who need to be picked up and dropped off to and from the Air­port and Ho­tels or any other Lo­ca­tions within the coun­try.

Prestigious Transport Service: We main­tain a spe­cial fleet of highly lux­u­ri­ous ve­hi­cles to cater to VIP’s short term re­quire­ment. This ser­vice is also ap­plic­a­ble for in and out­bound pas­sen­gers from the Air­port.

Self Driven: You can rent a self dri­ven car from NAISHA, where our con­di­tions will be ap­plic­a­ble.



Key Points Of Naisha Car Ser­vice

  • A branded Rent-a-car Company in Bangladesh
  • Only Rent-a-car Company with registration by the Joint stock in Bangladesh.
  • Largest Rent-a-car Company in Bangladesh
  • Total fleet with own vehicle
  • 24 hours service
  • Branch Office in Cox’s Bazar & Chattogram
  • Vehicle GPS Tracking System
  • Emergency vehicle replacement
  • Comprehensive insurance coverage
  • Chauffeurs are well versed in English language
  • All Chauffeurs under MetLife Insurance health & Life coverage
  • All staffs under Naisha Accidental fund


Naisha Service Before Deployment Vehicles:

·         Chauffeur check list 

·         Vehicles fitness check

·         Vehicles update documents check

·         Driver’s physical test(Eye Test, Audiometric test)

·         Safety items(Safety sticker, passenger responsibility, driving instruction book)

·         Driver’s bio-data check

·         Valid driving license

·         First Aid Box

·         Tissue Paper

·         Air Fresher

·         Fire Extinguisher Booster


Our Driver Skills, Qualifications, Experience, Knowledge & Attire:

·         a proper & valid legal driver’s license;

·         physically able to drive;

·         knowledge of Bangladesh’s road rules;

·         knowledge of customer service;

·         basic speak, read and write in Bangla & English for standard service

·         basic speak, read and write in Bangla, English , Hindi, Urdo for premium service

·         knowledge of the road network in the area in which they will be driving; and

·         a minimum of five (5) years’ experiences and

·         Age should be minimum 25 years and maximum 50 years.

·         Driver Qualification minimum class eight/ten passed

·         The driver must be neatly groomed and attired in a clean uniform.


Project Service Implementation Plan


1. We do provide a dedicated coordinator for each & every client, if one coordinator is not enough we do provide more for maintain standard & fluent service.

2. All of our drivers is well trained, experienced & must well behaved, they understand English & can also speak in English.

3. We do arrange two meetings with all drivers of our company with our trainer for update them as they can provide best services.

4. All of our drivers are eye sight & audio metric tested.

5. We do maintain a 24/7 hotline service for our client.

6. For every 2500-3000 km we arrange maintenance & servicing date for safety reason.

7. All most 400+ Vehicles various types of vehicles running all over of our country under our management.

8. Our spare cars & drivers are always standing by for emergency backup.